Webby 91225

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


One might wonder if the holding out by Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska was a well thought out plan, or was it a huge mistake in the making?
Just think for a moment about what could and may happen now that Nebraska has become the "New Welfare State". First of all many Nebraskans will now not have to worry any longer about their healthcare ins. coverage. They will be covered by the tax payers dollars till end of life sets in. They may need to consider the "Care" part of it however, like the Quality.Things that are free tend to be less than average. Remember the old addage; "You Get What You Pay For". And since when has the government kept on track and focused funding to where it is supposed to go and not gone astray. There seems to be alot of pet projects out there looking for funding.
How long will it be, in the State of the Free, before others not so fortunate realise they aren't privy to the same benefits as those Cornhuskers. Do you suppose there might be some anomosity toward those who arranged this shady lucrative deal behind closed doors in the dead of night? This might just have some damning affect and repercusions on those senators who didn't hold out for the bribes. Over time, as many come to feel left out, Envy sets in and becomes the driving force behind all kinds of ideas and actions.
Think about the years gone by and the "Gold Rush" , The Land Grab, and more recently the "Cash For Clunkers". Just how well those situations played out. It was fine for a few in the front of the line but mighty "slim pickins" for the majority. Not to mention the civil unrest and upheaval between freinds and neighbors when greed set in. That's what this is really all about -Greed-. I'm quite sure you all will be having a population explosion out there in Nebraska "Land of the Free- Home of the Slave".(to big government)
I don't mean to blame you the fine citizens of the Welfare state it's not your fault. You were sold out by a wimpy senator who's set for life anyway. His benefits are covered his retirement is secured whether he stays in office or not. Senator Nelson prostituted himself and his state for the likes of Harry & Barry
and the libral left. But hey he's not alone Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu,
Vermont Sen.Bernie Sanders, and Connecticut Sen.Chris Dodd were at the same orgy. It's just that they apparently gave in to the sleezebags sooner, and for less than did Ole Benny Boy.
I can't just single out these two, the whole government accept for a few individuals are corrupt.
They have all gone asrtay from our tried and true US Constitution. A doctine that has gotten us this far and has allowed us our pursuit of happeness. It may have taken some a little longer and some may have had to strive a little harder to reach this point in their lives.But it's working for something, a goal if you will, that builds character in ones soul, and gives us a sense of dignity.
But when I see our leaders taking away from those who have, just because they have it, in order to give to those who are not willing to earn or gain on their own, I can only look at those leaders with distrust and disgust for awarding hand outs to a certain few who are either not willing or not capable of obtaining the "prize" through normal channels.
(more to come)